Work in the park

Each building at Verdion PremierPark Ludwigsfelde is set in a landscaped environment with trees and outdoor shelters.

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Biodiversity and conservation have been at the heart of our development from the outset. Species protection, tree-planting and landscaping, water conservation and optimised energy use are all important in achieving our goals. The result is an industrial landscape that is in harmony with nature and supports workplace wellbeing.

Premier species protection

  • Insect-protective outdoor lighting with  LED lamps and installation of insect hotels
  • 11 bat boxes (8 flat bat boxes and 3 hibernation boxes)  
  • Nesting facilities for house martins, titmice, sparrows, jackdaws, swifts and kestrels in the form of two swallow houses (100 artificial nests or nest sites) 
  • A new 200 sq m infiltration pond creating  an amphibian habitat and nesting materials for swallows
  • Installation of beehives in cooperation with the Ludwigsfelde Beekeepers‘ Association
Premier species protection

Premier tree planting and greening

  • Around 140 existing trees will be retained and maintained in a large grove northwest of the park
  • Approximately 220 new native and site-appropriate trees, along with new shrubs and flower strips will be planted and maintained
Premier tree planting and greening

Premier water conservation

  • 100% purification and infiltration of water from the roofs and roads via on-site rainwater retention basins
  • Use of drinking water-saving fittings.
Premier water conservation

Premier energy efficiency

  • KfW40 design standard
  • Comparatively low greenhouse gas emissions: 4.54 kg CO2 equivalent / (m²a)
  • Local district heating from CHP, renewable fuel or energy source
  • Car and e-bike charging stations (50 cars / 60 e-bikes)
Premier energy efficiency